Bench Press Strength Standards
One of the most common questions when it comes to strength is “How do I compare to the average lifter”. The answer varies with age and bodyweight but here are a few charts to compare yourself to other adult lifter in Bench Press.
The above chart shows the grading levels in Bench press for lifters competing in Bench Press Only events for Powerlifting Australia, this grading system makes no allowances for age, although Sub Juniors and Junior Powerlifters require a lower grade to qualify for events compared to powerlifters in the Open division.
Another option for comparing bench press is these two charts, one for men and one for female Bench Press in Kilograms. For these standards to apply, the bar must touch the chest above the bottom of the sternum with a slight pause and be pressed to full lockout.

All of these charts are assuming that the Bench Press is completed without any assisting powerlifting equipment like a Bench Press Shirt.