Criminal charges against supplement manufacturer USPlabs

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Jack3d and OxyELITEReuters reported that the US Justice Department made an announcement on Tuesday they will file criminal charges against USPlabs LLC and six of their company officials. It is because of their activities of unlawful sale of Jack3d.

The indictment says that USPlabs LLC used a synthetic stimulant made in China to make Jack3d and OxyElite Pro but told retailers that the supplements were manufactured from plant extracts.

The Chemical in question is DMAA, also known as 1,3-dimethylamylamine, methylhexanamine or geranium extract. and is an ingredient found illegally in some dietary supplements and often touted as a “natural” stimulant.

In Australia the TGA  banned the use of  1,3-dimethylamylamine (DMAA) in August 2012. DMAA is a toxic substance with dangerous side effects.

Reasons DMAA is banned:

  • DMAA has no health benefits and is a toxic substance.
  • Risks associated with its use include high blood pressure, psychiatric disorders, bleeding in the brain and stroke.
  • Its long-term safety has not been demonstrated.
  • DMAA presents a high risk of abuse, misuse and illicit use.

Some manufacturers have been replacing DMAA with DMBA ( AMP Citrate, Butylamine, 1,3-dimethylbutylamine) in many supplement formulations. Athletes testing positive to this stimulant in-competition may face a possible anti-doping rule violation.

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